The day dawned clear and bright for our alumni picnic day, this year, even after recent heavy thunderstorms & wind gusts left our local ‘annual meeting place’ rather full of branches and twigs to be cleaned up to avoid turned ankles…
A hearty Thank You to Town of Simla Trustee sponsorship and attendance, Town of Simla Public Works Director and locals who helped to get the park ready for our annual picnic on Saturday and then worked on it again, early, early Sunday morning via manual labor and the loan of high powered leaf blower.
Reunions, Milestones and Celebrations
Members from the Class of 1953, Class of 1963 and Class of 1983 celebrated their reunions, while we also had appearances from the Class of 1947 and 1951 who single-handedly celebrated (respectively) 76 and 72 year reunions because, well, why wait for for a decade just to join in on the fun?
Please visit our 2023 Milestones, Reunions and Celebrations, to view pictures and reunion attendees.
2023 Highlights in Pictures:
You weren’t able to be here with us?
We did miss you so, the visiting and catching up with you – here’s a glimpse of what you missed:
Visiting, Chatting, Connecting with each other
Annual Meeting:
2023 Elections for President and Secretary
Elections were held for a new President and Secretary this year, with personal and public thanks given to Morris Ververs, Class of 1962 and Nancy (Hopson) Allison, Class of 1962 for their many years of service to the Association.
Welcome to our newly elected President and Secretary:
Cheryl (Scott) Churchwell, Class of 1968 was nominated and elected, for President.
Alicia (Atwell) Natale, Class of 1998, was nominated and elected, to be our Secretary.
Thank you Morris and Nancy for your many years, ways of serving our area schools and alumni association
Say Hello to our 2023-24 Alumni Leadership Team:
[Left to Right] Treasurer, Chelle (Wingard) Lutz, Secretary, Alicia (Atwell) Natale, Vice-President Nancy (Manuwal) Nicks, President, Cheryl (Scott) Churchwel.
Please visit our About Us page to learn more about our leadership, history and mission.