Reunion Coordinators
Are you planning your reunion? Let us aid in getting the word out. Please submit your reunion information using the form below.
We’re happy to post the information on our website and Facebook page, both for planning and reunion details. Be sure to indicate if you wish for us to include a contact form for you on the information post.
Annual Alumni Meeting & Picnic
Our annual alumni meeting & Picnic is held each year in Simla park, on the 4th Sunday in July. Picnic at Noon, meeting at 1 pm, though many arrive early and stay after to catch up with friends and classmates. Local cafes are a good resource for holding a reunion on the Saturday, prior to our annual picnic.
Big Sandy 100J Homecoming
Homecoming is another favorite time for class reunions. Homecoming date each year is displayed at Big Sandy 100J’s website calendar.