Our annual picnic day dawned clear and beautiful before the high heat arrived, later in the day.
Thank you to Town of Simla
Many thanks to Mayor Ryan Fulmer, Class of 2003, for his Town Trustee sponsorship of our picnic, and Kevin Tracy, Class of 1980, for his work via Public Works operations both before and after our event.
The Highlights
The day of picnic started with many hands, who made light work of set-up.
The sound system provided by Double Diamond Auctions (Todd & Alicia Natale) passed sound checks far from pavilion stage, back to the ‘under the shade of trees’ park areas. Music floated through the air as a backdrop to conversations between classmates, friends and family as people gathered.
New for this year’s picnic, were the additions of a cornhole game area, Door Prizes for attendees supplied by local supporters of Big Sandy Alumni Association and the last chance to purchase a ticket for chance to win, the beautiful quilt donated by Joan (Nickell) Bratosh, Class of 1953, in support of our Scholarship fund.
After the tasty meal served up by local business owners of Big Nip’s Blazen Pit Barbecue, the annual meeting included acceptance of minutes sent in newsletter, annual treasurer’s report, scholarship report, fundraising and outreach reports.
Election of Officers
Vice-President Nancy Nicks (1965) and Treasurer Chelle Lutz (1983) were nominated and voted in to serve another two years in their current positions.
Reunions & Milestones Celebrated
The Class of 1964 and Class of 1974 gathered for private reunions before picnic as well as those who could attend the day of picnic.
The Class of 1954 was represented by Beverly (Moore) Marken, while Joan (Nickell) Bratosh, (1953) and Juanita (Nicks) Gordon, (1951) were also given a round of applause for representing those classes marking 70+ years of Big Sandy Alumni.
Reminder: For those who prefer to hold their reunions at Homecoming time? Big Sandy 100J Homecoming weekend is set for Friday October 4th – Saturday October 5th.
Contact Us if you would like us to promote/get the word out, or if you desire assistance with getting in touch with classmates.